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                     POST HISTORY


May 2021

 A meeting will be held at City Hall of Lebanon at 8 o'clock Friday night, April 2, 1926, for the purpose of organizing an AMERICAN LEGION POST. Out of town guests "Be There."  

                               From the Lebanon Express, Wednesday April 7, 1926


A Meeting will be held at City Hall, Lebanon, Ore, April 14th, 8p.m. for final organization and election of officers of American Legion.

                                            From the Lebanon Express, Wednesday April 7, 1926


                                                 AMERICAN LEGION POST BEING ORGANIZED HERE

Lebanon and vicinity furnished their full quota of men in the great world war, and it would seem it should have an American Legion post,. There was a post of the organization in Lebanon for a time several years ago, but for some reason, it was allowed to disintegrate. On Friday evening in the city hall a group of interested ex-service men held a preliminary meeting at which plans were discussed for re-organizing an American Legion post in Lebanon. A nominating committee was appointed and the next meeting set for April 14th at the same place, when it is hoped a permanent organization will be effected. All ex-service men in Lebanon and vicinity are earnestly invited to be present.
                                            From the Lebanon Express, Wednesday April 7, 1926


                                                            SANTIAM POST IS INSTITUTED HERE

New Post Starts Out With Good Membership and Much Enthusiasm
More than a hundred and fifty ex-service men, including members of Legion posts of Portland, Salem, Silverton and Albany, attended the ceremonies of institution of a new America Legion post in Lebanon, last night at the Odd Fellows hall. The new organization is to be known as Santiam Post No. 51, and the charter was installed by state legion department officials and a Portland delegation. The meeting was opened by singing of "America," after which Dr. E. B. Stewart, state commander, installed the following officers:
John L. McClintock, post commander.
Dr. N. E. Irvine, 1st vice commander.
E. H. Koehler, 2nd vice commander.
Frank Groves, 3rd vice commander.
Glenn Arehart, adjutant.
A. S. Johnson, finance officer.
Harry Miller, chaplain.
Frank Southard, Sgt.-at-arms.
Dr. R. B. Miller, Dr. L. W. Gatchell and Andy Olson, executive committee.

Commander McClintock introduced George W. Griffith of Salem, past state commander, who gave a good pointed talk on what the Legion is doing and its aim. He said, "The Legion organization now is assisting in taking care of orphans of comrades, caring for the disabled men, and above all preserving the memories and associations of the great war. Also we get pleasure in renewing old acquaintances and making new ones. And lastly I would urge all who can to attend the local and district conferences." Mr. Griffith is not a young man and acts as a daddy to the rest of the buddies.

The national executive committee-man C. J. Johnson of Silverton, was introduced and told how the Legion was organized to serve the community.

Walt Stewart of the Albany post and his famous Legion Quartet then furnished a short program which was heartily received. The outstanding number was a humorous talk on the league of nations by Senator Bell.

Carl Mosier, state adjutant of Portland, then told of some of the benefits the ex-service man is entitled to which are due to the Legion organization.

Dr. E. B. Stewart, state commander told of the work they were doing in the building over of men. How it had been influential in bringing pressure to bear on the men who profiteered during the ware, so many thousands of dollars were turned back to the government. He urged that all ex-service men should become member of the Legion. He said "We have some four million ex-service men and only 700,000 now belong to the Legion." Also he encouraged the buddie's to visit the Portland hospital and call upon the disabled boys.

Short talks were given by post commanders Stewart of Albany and Starr of Silverton.

Post commander McClintock then appointed the following men on committees and they are to get together and pick one more before the next meeting night and be ready to report on programs for the year.

Membership Committee - Frank Groves, Ernest Scholl, Raymond Downing and Dean Baughman.
House Committee - Glenn Arehart and Virgil Reeves.
Legal Committee - H. Wight and P. A. Mitchell.
Sick Committee - Harry Miller and C. J. Olvis.
Americanization Committee - Dr. L. W. Gatchell and Hugh Kirkpatrick.
Athletic Committee - Wm. Robins and G. H. Brock.
Service Committee - Earl Michelson and Dr. Irvine.
Finance Committee - H. Johnson and P. Schrunk..
Publicity Committee - Forest V. Ryecraft and Dr. H. J. Whelan.

The post was then called to attention and meeting concluded by singing the Star Spangled Banner.

Eats were then served in good old fashioned army style and everybody got together and talked over old times.

During the evening a telegram from Roseburg was read: "Umpqua Post No. 16 sends greetings and congratulations to the new legion post at Lebanon. L. E. McClintock, commander." The commander of Umpqua is a brother of the newly installed commander of Santiam Post.

The next meeting will be held at city hall April 28 at 8 o'clock, and all ex-servicemen are urged to be present.

Santiam Post has a charter list of 42 members, and efficient corps of officers, a name that is intimately connected with the history of Lebanon and is destined to be still better known since it is the official name of a pass through the Cascades that in the future will become a great scenic highway of the state.

Lebanon and vicinity gave its full quota of men in military service during the world war and the best wishes of the community is extended to the newly organized post of the American Legion, which has for its watchword "Community Service



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