I pledge allegiance to the
flag of the United States
of America, and to
the Republic for which it stands:
one Nation under God, indivisible,
with Liberty
Justice for all.
Nation's Motto
In God we Trust.
S.A.L. $35.00
S.A.L. JR. $13.00
We will start accepting dues in July, that must be paid by December 31st
or your key card will deny you access to the Post.
Dues paid on or before November 1st.will give you an early bird stamp on
your membership card that entitles you to a early bird dinner in December.
Carry an application in your wallet.
How large is the Sons of The American Legion?
Each year since 1982, the Sons of The American Legion has set a new all-time high in membership. Currently, there are more than 300,000 members of the Sons in this country and abroad.
What is the administrative structure of the Sons?
Every member of the Sons belongs to a Squadron somewhere. The Squadron is the basic level of membership in our organization. Different states (Detachments) use different ways of grouping numbers of Squadrons together. In most states, Squadrons are grouped geographically and report to their own Districts (also called Areas or Divisions). All Districts (or Areas or Divisions) report to the state headquarters, referred to as a Detachment. All state Detachements report to the National Headquarters. In addition to the 50 state Detachments in the U.S., there are also some foreign countries which are Detachments; Mexico, Puerto Rico, Philippines and France.
What is the main purpose of the Sons?
The mission of the Sons is to support veterans and their families and the policies of our parent organization, The American Legion. Virtually everything that involves the Sons could be grouped under three areas: 1) support for veterans and their families, 2) promoting patriotism and Americanism and 3) promoting programs which benefit the youth of our country.
When was the Sons founded?
The American Legion established the Sons of The American Legion in 1932.
Why would someone want to join the Sons?
Different people have different reasons for belonging to organizations. For many, membership in the Sons has allowed them to become involved in American Legion programs alongside their fathers. Others belong out of respect for their parents' and grandparents' service to our country in the military. Many younger members get involved and learn valuable leadership skills involving organization, public speaking, negotiating, budgeting and fundraising skills. Membership in our organization also provides individuals with opportunities to forge lifelong friendships with people who share a common bond.
Who runs the Sons?
The governing legislative body of the Sons is its National Convention. Detachments (states) send representatives to the National Convention each year to elect national officers and conduct the business of the organization. Between conventions, authority is vested in the National Executive Committee, also made up of elected representatives from each Detachment. The N.E.C. meets twice annually. Nationally elected officers include the National Commander, five National Vice Commanders (responsible for Detachments in their own regions), the National Chaplain and the National Sergeant at-Arms.
COMMANDER Jerry Patton
ADJUTANT Ray Novencido
to be a member of the Sons of The American Legion
Sons of The American Legion Eligibility
All male descendants, adopted sons and stepsons of veterans of World War I, World War II, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, Lebanon, Grenada, Panama and the Persian Gulf War, during the delimiting periods set forth in Article 1, of the National Constitution of The American Legion, or who died subsequent to their honorable discharge from such service, shall be eligible for membership in the
Sons of The America Legion
Contact: S.A.L. Squadron 51 (541) 451-1351