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                          Instruction Page

May 2021

 INSTRUCTIONS:  on navigating the Web-Site:

  Go to Menu column above,                                                              and click a item.


  A drop down box will more appear with more sub directories to choose from.


 Click on this Button for                        (Instructions and help.)



        You can contact us at (541 451-1351)                                                         
                                                                                  Thank you for visiting your  WEB-SITE.

                                               NAVIGATING THE WEB-SITE


     1. The menu is up above on all pages and on some like the one below. If you left

     click on a High-Lighted item in this column, it will open a sub directory and take

     you directly to the page you wish to visit.

  2. If you left click on any word(s) underlined you will be sent to a linked or to a

       referenced page.

  3. Thru-out the Web-site and the "Post Examiner" you will see the underlined word

      CALENDARS or a underlined word or words that will send or link you to our

      MONTHLY CALENDAR This Calendar will display what Dinner or foods are being

      served that day, the time and price, also what bands will be playing and times,

      meeting times and dates for Post, Auxiliary, S.A.L., 40&8 and special functions.

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